推荐最近最火的赌博软件 CFO 彼得·维特菲尔德 Wins 2018 Virginia Business 首席财务官奖

2018年6月25日-弗吉尼亚州尚蒂伊 推荐最近最火的赌博软件 today announced its Chief Financial Officer, 彼得·维特菲尔德, won the Virginia Business Magazine’s 2018 首席财务官奖.  At a gala ceremony in Richmond, Virginia on Wednesday, June 20, Mr. Whitfield was named  the winner in the Large Private Company category, where he was selected from a pool of seven finalists. 他因在财务上的精明而受到表彰, 他对社区的承诺, 并以他积极的态度和对推荐最近最火的赌博软件的奉献精神激励他人.

Mr. Whitfield is a seasoned executive with more than 30 years of diverse finance, 会计, and operations experience with privately-held and publicly-traded companies. Mr. Whitfield was named 推荐最近最火的赌博软件’ CFO in June, 2015, and has been elected 推荐最近最火的赌博软件’ Treasurer annually since September, 2015.

“我对彼得怀有崇高的敬意, 无论是职业上还是个人上,彼得·史密斯说, 最近比较火的正规赌博软件总裁兼首席执行官. “我们的员工老板和我都钦佩和尊重他的财务领导能力和他的品格. 很高兴看到他的这些品质得到了同行和行业专家的认可.”

表彰弗吉尼亚州首席财务官的贡献, Virginia Business has sponsored the Virginia 首席财务官奖s since 2006. 今年, 该杂志获得了五类奖项的47项提名:小型和大型非营利组织, 大大小小的私人公司, 以及上市公司.