
推荐最近最火的赌博软件, 联邦IT和工程解决方案的领先供应商, 今天宣布任命彼得 史密斯为总裁兼首席执行官,自8月1日起生效, 2014. 史密斯, 现任最近比较火的正规赌博软件首席运营官, replaces Bill Hoover who is retiring later this month after serving as President and CEO since June 2005. 胡佛将继续担任公司董事会副主席.  

"My tenure as CEO of 推荐最近最火的赌博软件 has been one of the most rewarding chapters of my career. 推荐最近最火的赌博软件 is well-positioned in our market and has an exceptionally strong senior 领导 team in place. 我觉得现在是时候开始我人生的下一个篇章了, 知道公司在这么大的人手里,胡佛说. "I am thrilled that our board selected 彼得 史密斯 to succeed me, and I expect a seamless transition."  

“过去的九年, 比尔熟练地领导了推荐最近最火的赌博软件, 能源, 以及卓越的诚信. 公司为下一阶段的增长做好了充分的准备, 很大程度上要归功于比尔的远见卓识, 成就, 领导, 以及追求卓越的承诺,唐纳德说。. Burklew,董事会主席. “在考虑了外部和内部候选人之后, 我们董事会一致选举彼得·史密斯为首席执行官. 彼得, 谁在我们公司的任期超过30年, is well-suited to lead 推荐最近最火的赌博软件' strategies and operations in ways that will allow us to effectively address the evolving needs of our customers and our employee-owners."

“自1975年成立以来,最近比较火的正规赌博软件一直拥有卓越的领导力. I am humbled and honored to have been selected as the company's next President and CEO," noted 史密斯. "I have deep respect for the core values that are firmly embedded in the fabric of 推荐最近最火的赌博软件. 我期待在这个坚实的基础上继续发展, 进一步将最近比较火的正规赌博软件定位为支持国家优先事项的首选合作伙伴. 我很自豪也很兴奋能带领我们的员工进入下一个成长篇章."

史密斯 began his 推荐最近最火的赌博软件 career in August 1980 and has been instrumental in aligning the company's business development and delivery of strategic offerings with customer needs. 史密斯 has held a number of roles with increased responsibility within the company before being promoted to COO in 2010. 从那以后,他的收入增加了近50%. 史密斯 previously served as Executive Vice President and General Manager; Vice President and Executive Director; Vice President of Engineering; Vice President and Director; Program Manager; and Systems Engineer.

除了, 史密斯 serves in several industry 领导 roles including the TechAmerica Public Sector Board of Directors and is actively involved in the Professional Services Council as well as other industry and community organizations. 史密斯只得了B.S. 在马萨诸塞大学阿姆赫斯特分校获得物理学博士学位.S. 乔治华盛顿大学电气工程专业毕业.

Hoover于2005年6月加入推荐最近最火的赌博软件担任首席执行官. 从美国大学毕业后.S. 海军学院毕业并在海军服役, Hoover enjoyed more than 25 years of industry experience before taking the helm of 推荐最近最火的赌博软件. 他曾担任Dynamics Research Corporation的总裁兼首席运营官, President and Chief Executive Officer of FutureNext Consulting (FNC); Senior Vice President of Oracle Service Industries; Executive Vice President of BDM International, 公司.; and President & 中华人民共和国首席运营官.