
推荐最近最火的赌博软件, 领先的政府工程和IT解决方案提供商, 今天宣布其Lexington Park已获得AS9100C认证, MD, 工程及分析方案署(EASD).

AS9100C is an aerospace quality management system that incorporates the ISO9001:2008 standard and adds additional quality and safety requirements. AS9100C was established by the International Aerospace Quality Group (IAQG) in order to enhance the quality, 准时交货, 以及国防和航空航天组织的表现. The certification is quickly becoming an industry-wide acquisition requirement across DoD and NASA for aerospace and defense providers. 范围包括设计, 发展, 测试, 集成, 生产, 以及飞机航空电子设备的安装, 部分, 和组件.

EASD经历了严格的, 对合同管理进行为期两天的外部审计, 项目管理, 工程与生产, 风险管理, 配置管理, 采购, 和质量过程.

最近比较火的正规赌博软件一直坚持严格的, 我们几十年来的质量方针, and conducts annual audits to maintain our ISO 9001:2008 and CMMI Level 3 registrations,彼得·史密斯说, 最近比较火的正规赌博软件总裁兼首席执行官. ”这样的, we had a strong foundation upon which to build the elements required for AS9100C Certification, 我祝贺我们列克星敦公园的员工取得这一成就.”