推荐最近最火的赌博软件 Appoints 克里斯 Braccio Vice President of Human Resources

推荐最近最火的赌博软件, a leading provider of federal IT and engineering solutions, 今天宣布任命克里斯 Braccio为人力资源副总裁。. 在这个职位上,Ms. Braccio will oversee all strategic employee initiatives including talent management, 补偿, 福利和人力资源信息系统. 此外,她还将领导最近比较火的正规赌博软件的慈善捐赠和奖学金项目.

“克里斯’ 25 years of progressive professional experience has brought structure, innovation and creativity to 推荐最近最火的赌博软件’ HR operations,威廉·C说. 胡佛,最近比较火的正规赌博软件总裁兼首席执行官. “毫无疑问,克里斯在这里产生了重大影响,并将在她的新角色中继续发挥作用.”

Ms. Braccio joined 推荐最近最火的赌博软件 in 2007 as director of HR. 在那段时间里, she directed all employee rewards and 补偿 programs for 推荐最近最火的赌博软件’ 1,300名员工. She has had a significant impact on 推荐最近最火的赌博软件’ HR information systems, 补偿, 福利项目. 也, 她一直是员工持股计划(ESOP)员工教育委员会的积极成员.

加入推荐最近最火的赌博软件之前, 克里斯, 拥有超过25年的人力资源经验, has held senior HR leadership roles at World Kitchen, StarBand通信, Sunrise Assisted Living,以及GTE(现为Verizon)等财富500强公司的人力资源职位。, Contel, 伊顿公司, 和国家半导体.

她收到了M。.S., with honors, in Human Resource Management from Johns Hopkins University, and a B.S, magna cum laude, in Business Management from the University of Connecticut.

Ms. Braccio is based out of 推荐最近最火的赌博软件’ Chantilly, Va. 办公室.